Change the world with your words.
Have you ever imagined holding your completed book in your hands?
And have you thought about all the people you could help without ever meeting them?
If your immediate reaction is, "Who would want to read what I have to write?" please know that your words and story matter.
Writing a book is the ultimate act of self-compassion and self-acceptance. It's time to step into your authenticity, take the challenge, and write the book the world needs and that only you can give it.

By the end of the eight weeks, you'll have:
A book outline
A marketing plan
A first chapter
A writing habit and the ability to connect to your creativity even if you're not feeling inspired.
The confidence that you can write a book and that your words matter.
If you're planning to publish traditionally, all of the above are essentially a book proposal minus two more chapters (for a total of three chapters).
If independent publishing is more consistent with your personal vision and values, you'll have a clear roadmap for how to move forward.
Don't know which path is yours yet? No problem!
We'll also discuss publishing options so you choose the best fork in the road to help you reach your desired writing destination.
Please watch the video below for a more detailed overview of what to expect.
And if you're not sure if this program is for you, please book a time to chat with Anne using this link.
Classes will be held Wednesday afternoons from
12:00 to 1:00 p.m. E.D.T.
The first class is October 23, so go ahead and grab your spot now!