Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

Change the world with your words.

Have you ever imagined holding your completed book in your hands?

And have you thought about all the people you could help without ever meeting them?

If your immediate reaction is, "Who would want to read what I have to write?" please know that your words and story matter. 

Writing a book is the ultimate act of self-compassion and self-acceptance. It's time to step into your authenticity, take the challenge, and write the book the world needs and that only you can give it.

In this eight-week writing accelerator, you'll journey from having an idea for a book to having a foundation for both writing and publishing it, all in a way that brings in the magic of the ancient art of storytelling. 

We'll employ psychological principles and bring in some magical techniques to help you learn to connect with your creativity even when you're not feeling creative.

We'll also define your author-reader relationship so that you'll be writing to the individual your heart yearns to help.

And even if you don't participate in the magical bits, you'll still benefit from connecting to the world's oldest and best-loved stories to help your modern work stand out and connect with readers.

What to expect:

By the end of the eight weeks, you'll have:

A book outline 

A marketing plan 

A first chapter 

A writing habit and the ability to connect to your creativity even if you're not feeling inspired.

The confidence that you can write a book and that your words matter.

If you're planning to publish traditionally, all of the above are essentially a book proposal minus two more chapters (for a total of three chapters).

If independent publishing is more consistent with your personal vision and values, you'll have a clear roadmap for how to move forward. 

Don't know which path is yours yet? No problem! 

We'll also discuss publishing options so you choose the best fork in the road to help you reach your desired writing destination.

Please watch the video below for a more detailed overview of what to expect.

And if you're not sure if this program is for you, please book a time to chat with Anne using this link.

Classes will be held Wednesday afternoons from 

12:00 to 1:00 p.m. E.D.T.

The first class is October 23, so go ahead and grab your spot now!

"I didn't know Anne before this and after the challenge, I felt like I found a long lost friend. She's a great combination of knowledge, patience and humor. I know other people who offer services similar to Anne, and after taking this challenge, I know I'll work with her over anyone else."

Lori Pieper
CEO / Founder - Inner Joy Coaching
(re. Spring 2024 Start Your Book Challenge)
What Psych Up Academy Students Say:

"For years I have considered writing a book, but I didn’t feel I knew enough to get started. So, when I saw the seminar by Anne Bartolucci, I immediately signed up. Not only was the seminar informative, but I found myself excited to see that this project is very doable."

Rachel Lacey, Psy.D., ABPP-CN

"I recently had the pleasure of hosting a webinar for my team with Anne Bartolucci, Ph.D., a USA Today bestselling author and psychologist, on how to write a book. She was easy to understand, empathetic, and encouraging.  

Anne provided insightful strategies to generate or clarify book ideas that align with our passions and expertise, ensuring we remain engaged throughout the writing process. 

Thank you so much, Anne, for this incredible opportunity. I look forward to implementing all the valuable insights you provided. "

Dr. Cliffton Brady
Your Freedom Formula Mastermind

"I really enjoyed Dr. Bartolucci; she was very engaging, candid, and so helpful. I wasn't sure what to expect in this training and I was going into this unsure if writing a book was for me. After this training, I feel very excited and motivated for the prospect of writing a book about my expertise.."

Workshop Attendee

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

This program is for you if:

You're a healer, coach, or other type of helping professional.

You describe yourself as soul-led, heart-centered, and/or mission-driven.

You've had a book knocking at your brain and heart.

You see writing a book as an opportunity for both personal and professional development.

You don't know how to get started on your book.

You've started a book, but you've lost momentum or are stuck.

You want to make sure your book will be appealing to readers and to start attracting your audience.

Other writing programs or structures haven't worked for your brain.

About Your Instructor

(scroll down for tl;dr version)

Anne Bartolucci, Ph.D., aka USA Today bestselling author Cecilia Dominic, wrote her first story when she was two years old. She later became a clinical psychologist because she's fascinated by people and their stories, but she couldn't stop making stuff up. 

By day, she helps people cure their insomnia in her private practice. By night, she writes fiction that keeps her readers turning pages past bedtime. Yes, she recognizes the conflict of interest between her two careers, but she prefers to be called versatile, not conflicted. 

Anne is a sought-after speaker for her entertaining and engaging talks on topics ranging from hysteria and the occult in Victorian times to how modern professionals can make friends with their sleep. She has written and published more than twenty novels and novellas and several short stories. She's also written two nonfiction books, Business Basics for Private Practice: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals (Routledge, 2017) and Better Sleep for the Overachiever (AIBHS, 2020).

Both traditionally and independently published, Anne currently writes nonfiction, steampunk, urban fantasy, and her own brand of meta-fiction. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and the world’s cutest cat.

Author of 20+ books, including fiction & nonfiction

USA Today Bestselling Author & Amazon Bestselling Author

Both traditionally and independently published

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Writing Mentor & Guide since 2020

Speaker & Teacher

Believes in the power of words to change the world.

Classes will be held

 noon to 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday afternoons

October 23-December 8*

Reserve your seat today!

*Skipping November 27 since it's the day before American Thanksgiving.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1197.00)$1197.00
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    Split pay (3x $399.00)3x $399.00
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  • Sacred Expression Accelerator$0

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure? Here are some common questions people ask.

If you need more information, or you have questions that aren't here, please book a call.

  • Can writing a book help me build my business?
    Yes, writing a book can definitely help you build your business by giving people a way to check you out. And once your book is out in the world, people will find it and reach out to you.

    I love it when someone comes in or appears on screen with a dog-eared, highlighted, sticky-noted copy of one of my nonfiction books. Plus, if they've read my book, we can start working together and get to the underlying stuff more quickly because I don't have to spend so much time on the basics.
  • How does writing a book help me be a better coach/provider/healer?
    When you write a book about the area you work in, you connecting with your business in a different way by:

    1. Giving you a deeper understanding of what you do and why. Nothing makes you learn something like really digging into it so you can expand it and explain it to others.

    In fact, one of the attendees of the last challenge said that the process of writing her book was helping her be a better provider as she wrote it.

    2. Helping you seek out and integrate new research in your area. We all say we want to keep up with cutting edge developments and new trends, but who has the time? When you write a book, you have a compelling reason to do so.

    3. Expanding your view as to how what you do connects to other related fields. I'm a big fan of including various perspectives in books.
  • What if I've tried other writing systems, and they weren't for me?
    I had the same problem, and I didn't recognize why until I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022. That's given me a new perspective and a passion for helping people figure out a writing system that will work for their brains and incorporate flexibility for when life happens.
  • What if I'm not an outliner?
    Even if you don't end up with a section-by-section outline, you'll have an idea of the overall shape of your book. You can always add in more detail as you go and as your brain wants you to. I'll help you find the middle way between no direction and a map that you find confining.
  • There are a lot of writing coaches out there. What makes you different?
    I don't really call myself a "writing coach" because don't push my consultees to succeed. Instead, I mentor and guide them.

    I'm also unique for several other reasons:

    First, I have the training and experience as a Ph.D.-level psychologist. This gives me a greater depth and breadth of tactics and strategies to share with my writing mentees to help them connect with readers and get unstuck. I also know how important it is to work with one's unique brain and values and how to incorporate those into the process to stay engaged.

    Second, I've written 20+ books while also having a job and a half (running my own private practice), so I've been around the writer's block more than once and know how to get through it. I also appreciate that the writing process for each book can be different, so I help people build flexibility into their systems.

    Finally, as a fiction and nonfiction author, I've got an exceptional grasp of narrative structure and how to apply it to both so even nonfiction writers can use this most powerful way to connect with readers and keep them engaged.